Central Football Lose To East Hamilton in Week Five

CENTRAL FOOTBALL LOSES TO EAST HAMILTON IN WEEK FIVE — Freshman Evan Schwarzl throws up a pass to the receiver.
September 25, 2020
On Friday, September 18, the Pounders traveled to East Hamilton High School to play in week five of Friday night lights. The Pounders went into the game with a record of 1-3, playing tough teams but winning against Sequoyah. East Hamilton’s record was 3-1, only losing to Red Bank. Going into the game, the team sat in anticipation.
“Our players continue to show improvement, and are getting better every week,” stated Coach Curt Jones.
As the game commenced, the team captain for the night, Sophomore London Martin, stepped to the center of the field for the coin toss. The Hurricanes won the toss and chose to receive the ball, which meant that the Pounders were on defense first. The first defense started off strong, not even allowing a first down. Although, when the ball was given to the offense, they could not follow through. The offense only inched forward. When the defense came back into the game, the Hurricane offense blew right through them. East Hamilton scored, making it 8-0 with a two-point conversion. On the next drive, the Pounder offense had some big plays but could not capitalize off of those plays. The Hurricanes went back into the game throwing a trick play, a pitch to the wide receiver who then threw the ball downfield. This led to another East Hamilton touchdown, and the score was 16-0. The Hurricanes kicked off to the Pounders, but Central fumbled twice and East Hamilton recovered the ball. After the Hurricanes had possession of the ball, their defense was fired up, not even allowing a first down. The ball was kicked downfield and fumbled by the Hurricanes and Central recovered the ball. The offense started to push forward, making small plays that would push them farther forward. Offensively, the players were working together very well, with major plays from Juniors Michael Watson and Tyi Mosley.
The Pounders remained in possession in the second quarter. The offense made major yardage down field. Freshman Quarterback Evan Schwarzl ran the ball into the end zone, but the score was called back due to a holding penalty. The Pounders could not push through after that, turning the ball over to the Hurricanes. After a few plays, the Hurricane quarterback threw the ball up into the end zone where East Hamilton would score again. The score was now 24-0. The Pounders could not get going offensively, and turned over the ball again. East Hamilton scored again on a pass to a receiver, making the score 30-0, with the Pounders breaking up the two-point conversion. After a long battle down the field, Running Back Michael Watson ran the ball into the end zone for the Pounders first score.
At the half, the score was 30-6. In the third quarter, the Pounders were making substantial yardage, but there was a interception, turning the ball over to East Hamilton. Both teams fought back and forth without any major plays. Neither team scored during the third quarter.
It was in the fourth quarter that East Hamilton would gain possession and make a touchdown. The score was now 38-6. The Pounders then gained possession, and after a few plays, they threw an interception. From the interception, the Hurricane defender ran into the end zone to score again, making the score 46-6. The Pounders regained possession, where they fought through the Hurricane defense. Schwarzl threw a pass into end zone to Sophomore Receiver DJ Sanderfer, making a Pounder touchdown. This made the score 46-14. After a few plays with Hurricane possession, Sophomore Outside Linebacker Cameron Jackson caught an interception. The first play in the Pounders’ new drive saw Freshman Running Back Marquise High tun into the end zone for a Central touchdown, making the score 46-22. On the next drive, Central’s defense held the Hurricanes, and they eventually turned the ball over. After a few plays, the Pounders threw another interception. The game ended with the ball in East Hamilton’s hands.
“We played well toward the end of the game, but we have a lot of room to grow as a team,” stated Schwarzl.
Week six of Friday night lights is right around the corner; the Central Pounders will go on to face Howard High School on October 2 at 7:30. This will be the Pounders’ Homecoming game, and the team hopes to see everyone come out to support the Purple Pounders. Students attending are encouraged to sit in the student section as well.
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