Central Athletic Program Receives New Dryer

THE SPORTS DEPARTMENTS NEW DRYER -- Senior Roby Thomas puts practice gear in the dryer to dry.

Karleigh Schwarzl

THE SPORTS DEPARTMENT’S NEW DRYER — Senior Roby Thomas puts practice gear in the dryer to dry.

Bailey Moore, Staff Writer

Thanks to Central Alumn Barney Ottinger (class of 1960), Central has received a new dryer for all coaches and sports teams to use. Ottinger is responsible for securing the funds to purchase the new dryer for the entire athletic program.

The previous dryer was over 50 years old and started to decline in function roughly four years ago. Central administration had tried to get the Hamilton County Department of Education to repair it, but there were no funds available for this purpose at the time.

Because of the decline in function, coaches were having to take home stuff to dry or ask the athletes to take things home to dry. Ottinger saw the need for a new dryer and discussed it with the Central Alumni Association during one of their monthly meetings. In time, Ottinger was able to coordinate the necessary funds.

“Having a workable dryer for our athletic department is a tremendous advantage for our coaches in order to keep our athletic practice and game uniforms sanitary, especially in this COVID era,” shared Coach Kim Crawford.

Hamilton County’s Assistant Superintendent, Justin Robertson, who is also the head of County Maintenance, hired a crew to install the new dryer.

“I’m glad we have the dryer because it is better to practice with dry jerseys than wet jerseys, and also, I mean you can’t have a washer without a dryer, right?” Junior Issaiah Rogers, who play football for Central.

The dryer is very especially helpful now, since all teams are required to wash jerseys and other equipment after every use as a part of restrictions implemented due to COVID-19. Principal Phil Iannarone noted that it was a very timely and appreciated gift for Central.

Even after the time of the pandemic passes, this gift will remain a important contribution of Ottinger back to his Alma Mater. Central coaches and students will benefit from this for decades to come.