Students Spread Holiday Cheer by Helping the Community


Savannah Smith, Assistant Editor

George Matthew Adams once said, “Let us remember that the Christmas heart is a giving heart, a wide open heart that thinks of others first.” As the Christmas season comes around the corner, students should find time to give back to the community and be thankful for the little things we have. This year, students are focused on new technologies and fancy cars, but that does not matter. The true meaning of Christmas is not defined by the presents under the tree, but the things you do for people who aren’t as fortunate. For example, one way you can give back to the community is by volunteering at the food bank, such as the National Honors Society did this past month. Another way you can help is by volunteering at the animal shelter or simply buying presents for kids who are less fortunate and can’t afford fancy gifts.

“I was a part of the shoebox project at school and made a box for a kid that is less fortunate than me. I think it’s good to give back this holiday season and spread some cheer to kids who don’t even get presents for Christmas.”  said Junior, Hali Thomas.

The shoebox project is an event when students get shoeboxes and puts different toys and goodies in and sends it across the world to children who receive nothing for Christmas. Overall Central made 300 boxes to be sent to children who are less fortunate than us.

Band students even spread their holiday spirit by playing Christmas carols across town.

“We played Christmas carols at the aquarium and at the nursing home and it was awesome to see the reactions on people’s faces.” stated Freshman, Rebecca Pell.

“The softball team went downtown to the Forgotten Child Fund and made Christmas boxes for 309 kids in Chattanooga. It made me feel good cause now these kids get to have a Christmas now.” said Senior, Emma Beach.

There are so many ways you can make a difference this holiday season and help brighten someone else’s holiday. We, at the Central Digest, believe that Christmas is that one holiday where you can give back to the community and spend time with loved ones from far and wide. So this year, as you hang your lights with care and deck the halls, remember that Christmas is not defined by prices and fancy technology, but the size of ones’ heart and how they can help.

“And he puzzled and puzzled ’till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn’t before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store. What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.”   quoted Dr. Seuss.