Seniors Speak, Freshmen Listen on How to Survive High School

SURVIVING HIGH SCHOOL TOGETHER– Seniors (left to right) Alyssa Barclay, Reubin Thrasher, and Thomas Hutto give advice to freshmen (left to right) Donovan Walker, Bileah Sit, and Leonard Hussey.
September 20, 2016
High school graduates usually have interesting stories to tell, ranging from mishaps and embarrassment, to realization and achievement. Although the initial adjustment phase for the Central High School class of 2020 has passed, it does not necessarily mean that those students are prepared for what is to come. These are all considerations students should expect at one point or another, and seniors shared a few tips and pointers with the freshmen to help them make an easier transition to high school life.
“The harder you work throughout the years, the easier it will be for you as a senior,” Lucas Sanchez revealed.
Looking back at their freshmen year, seniors remember feeling just as lost and nervous as anyone else starting high school. They had the same worries as any freshman would, but the faculty helped them get accustomed to Central. There may have been a few cringe-worthy outfit choices along the way, but the most common mistakes these future graduates regret is not caring about their freshmen grades.
“If you do not do well in school, then you will not make it far in life,” Chandler Gilreath remarked.
Another suggestion seniors made is to be active in the school and try a few extracurricular activities.
“Do not be afraid to join the sports and clubs offered here,” Emily Feist said. “Having school spirit and actively participating is important. You might discover that you like football games and think ‘Why didn’t I go to one sooner?’.”
“There are people I have become friends with this year that I should have met earlier on. It is best to get involved as much as you can because if not, you will regret it later,” Gracie Defriese advised. “Being involved will also look good on your résumé.”
During high school, seniors have also learned some life skills. They have realized that people in general can be mean, and it is wise to stop stressing over trivial matters. These setbacks can be used to one’s own advantage and motivate people to prove society wrong.
Forming good study habits and avoiding procrastination are key factors to succeeding in high school.
“Do not procrastinate your senior year because there will be a lot of deadlines and requirements like your senior project,” stated Miranda Spainhower.
“Senioritis is real; do not ignore it. Every year you spend here leads up to this moment,” warned Defriese.
Most students become lethargic during their senior year, counting down the days until graduation. There are many opportunities during senior year, but you still have to work hard to complete applications and prepare for college.
“Freshmen should work on preparing for tests like the ACT now, so that it doesn’t smack them in the face,” recommended Feist.
All of the seniors agreed that the last year of high school is very stressful.
“It all comes down to you receiving that $10,000 scholarship or not,” said Defriese.
“This advice really helped me realize how serious high school is, and how our choices now will determine what our lives will be like after graduating,” revealed freshman Cassandra Castillo after hearing what the Seniors had to say. “I’ll make sure I work hard this year, and start planning for college in advance.”
Being aware of yourself and making the right choices will help you go far in high school. Every decision you make directly effects what future you will behold. Times will be tough, but no one should give up when it gets difficult. Enjoy your youth while you have the chance.