Behind the Scenes: Workers in Football Concession Stand Love Pounders, School

POUNDER FAMILY REPLENISHING AT HOME FOOTBALL GAME — Central football fans and supporters line up at the concession stand for a quick grab.
September 30, 2016
A lot of people think the magic happens during the football game when in reality, it is the Wednesday night before a home game that starts the party. The concession stand is the place Pounder fans and supporters go to replenish themselves during the big game, and people do not usually question what goes into what we are buying. Concession stand workers, including Jahlah Johnson, Carol Pearson, Jamie Biley, Tony Biley, Jennifer Smith and Samantha Vanetta, all take a huge chunk out of their week to contribute by supplying food for the stand.
Most food is bought at Sam’s and Holders, where you can buy a large quantity for lower prices than average grocery stores. Chicken sandwiches come from Chick-fil-A, and all of the food is cooked by the workers themselves.
This year, however, they are introducing a new item to the menu: Pounder fries. These are fries cooked to a crisp and layered with pulled smoked pork, barbecue sauce, nacho cheese sauce, and sour cream. It is sold in a combo meal with a fountain drink, chips, and a cookie for only $7.
Pounder fries have some competition. The most popular item of the season right now is French fries covered with chili cheese and cream. They go through about six bags a night, estimating in about 60-70 orders. It would sound like a lot if hot dogs were not a close second, with 84 sold a game within three bags.
With many items to choose from, it is hard to choose a favorite. Of the majority, however, sodas seem to overpower Powerade, hot dogs dominate nachos, and M&Ms conquer the kids while Snicker’s snatch the adults. Hot chocolate rules over all during the autumn season, and chicken sandwiches are constantly being sold out. If you are having trouble deciding what to go for, potato chips and candy are items you can never go wrong with. Moreover, do not worry if you have a peanut allergy; there are no loose nuts to be seen. All allergy precautions make sure the packages are sealed shut so it does not contaminate the other food.
All the food is kept stored in four coolers and two freezers. Seeming as there is not much storage space, the staff kept having to move stuff around to make room for it all. They are constantly working nonstop selling food like crazy.
“It is honestly the hardest job I have ever had, but it makes me feel young again,” comments Carol Pearson, a Harrison Recreation Center member.
All the left over food is sold for less than half price the original or given to whoever comes first. No food is ever kept for the following game.
Prices are said to actually be lower than a lot of other places, and all the money made is given to the football team.
“Everybody who works for the concession stand are huge Pounder fans,” says Pearson proudly. “We love working here.”