Statistics Show Central’s Population Has Decreased Since Last Year

STATISTICS SHOW CENTRAL'S POPULATION HAS DECREASED SINCE LAST YEAR --  Pictured are  Central's students in the midst of class change.

Cassandra Castillo

STATISTICS SHOW CENTRAL’S POPULATION HAS DECREASED SINCE LAST YEAR — Pictured are Central’s students in the midst of class change.

Cassandra Castillo, Staff Writer

Central’s halls might seem crowded, but there has actually been a shift in population. The number of students has slightly decreased from last year.

According to the 2017 report on the school population, 932 students are attending Central High School. A decrease from last school year, in which 965 were attending Central, with a ratio of 513 males to 443 females.

Juniors rank in first, having 257 total students. 147 students are male and 110 are female.

Sophomores rank second,  having 249 students with a ratio of 136 male to 113 female.

“I don’t think I lost many friends, but I do feel like there are more students this year than last year. Ive seen many new people,” noted sophomore, Devin Crochran.

Freshmen come in third with a total population of 214.; 118 being male and 96 being female. Freshmen usually have a higher number of students, but this year the outcome was different.

Seniors rank last having the lowest number of students with 212; 122 being male and 90 female.

The number of boys is larger than girls in each grade, with an average of 28 more boys than girls.

Central is viewed as a diverse school by many. This year the report states having 456 total caucasian students, 413 african-american, 45 hispanic, three Pacific Islanders and six students of two or more races.

“I feel like there isn’t much diversity as people say, but I feel like we can make this school diverse,”said junior Javier Villanueva.

“I do think that there is diversity in the school. I have friends of different races and cultures,”  opposed sophomore Danae Wnuk.

All in all, many agree that the diversity and student population are what make Central a good enviornment to learn and study in.

“It’s a good environment, in my opinion.Everyone gets along,” concluded sophomore Jacob Dearing.