Sophomores and Juniors Take the PSAT Assessment

SOPHOMORE AND JUNIORS TAKE THE PSAT ASSESSMENT-- A PSAT practice testing booklet used to help students study

Bailey Brantingham

SOPHOMORE AND JUNIORS TAKE THE PSAT ASSESSMENT– A PSAT practice testing booklet used to help students study

Bailey Brantingham, Staff Writer

Every October, sophomores and juniors are given the opportunity to take the Preliminary Standardized Aptitude Test, or the PSAT. This is a test that prepares tenth graders for their junior year and  also qualifies eleventh graders for National Merit Scholarships.

Danielle Hooper, the Central High School gifted services teacher, is in charge of administering the test to the students.

“The PSAT is a good indicator of how a student will do in college. The higher the score, the likelier the student will earn A’s in college and so forth,” claimed Hooper.

To prepare for the test, most students take practice tests online. It mainly focuses on the students’ areas of knowledge in reading and math. There are also practice test books that can also help students feel more prepared.

For the juniors that take the PSAT, their score may qualify them for a National Merit Scholarship. These students can then receive full-ride scholarships to many renowned and distinguished universities.

“The test 11th grade year qualifies students for National Merit Scholarships, a large national competition that picks the best of the best–the top 1%,” elucidated Hooper.

Most would agree that most stress occurs leading up to the test than the actual test itself. Brittney Hoang, a junior at Central High School, took the test and agreed that as long as students prepare themselves and try their hardest, the better the outcome will be.

“My advice would be to study before the test, even if you can only squeeze in ten minutes a day because your results will reflect your efforts,” stated Hoang.

Even though the test is taken by sophomores and juniors, freshman should start studying as well because they have the opportunity to take the test in the spring. As Mark Spitz once stated,” If you fail to prepare, you’re prepared to fail.”