Annual CDC Prom Leaves Fond Memories For Students Who Attended

DANCING THE NIGHT AWAY — Students in this 2018 file photo enjoyed the annual CDC dance, now known as the Exceptional Education Dance, which was full of food, laughter, and memories.
March 19, 2018
The 16th of February was a remarkable day with lots of food, lights, and a DJ. That special Friday night was Central’s annual CDC Prom, held in Central’s cafeteria. The lunchroom had been completely transformed, decorated as a dance floor, with the lights out and a spotlight on.
“Junior Laurelie Holmberg and her family were in charge for the most part, as they were responsible for many of the prom’s details. We also received additional help from Mrs.Cochran, Dr. Julie Henderson, and Leesha Vander Wilt. The Director of Special Education of HCDE was also here, Garfield Adams,” explained Rick Rogers, Exceptional Education teacher.
The admission was free and many of the families came to the event, with over 25 students in attendance. This year’s theme highlighted Valentine’s Day, and there was overall a good, energetic environment.
“It’s one of my two favorite days of the year! [This and the Shine prom we have.] The kids look forward to it all year; everyone comes and we all have a blast,” elucidated Rogers, “Zaxby’s provided us with the food,” Rogers added.
Former Central student, Hannah Holmberg, organized the event the two previous years. This year, her sister, Laurelie Holmberg, contributed to decorating and organizing the event.
“Central has always had this prom, and each year a student runs it and organizes it. The last two years my sister and I organized it, so it wasn’t really a decision, it was more a gift given to me,” conveyed Laurelie Holmberg.
“I usually start with finding volunteers such as a DJ. The past two years we have chosen one of Central’s own students, Tyler Guidry. I find photographers and other businesses that will provide food and decorations,” divulged Holmberg, “After that I create an invitation and we send them out to most of the schools in Hamilton County. Other than finding some student volunteers, that’s about the full extent.”
The students had a great time. They all danced the night away with laughter and joy. They spent most of the night dancing with friends and family. For those who attended, it was definitely a night to remember.
“I ate lunch! I liked the party and I danced a lot,” proclaimed student, Pierre Joseph.
“I liked the dancing! I got to dance with all the girls,” exclaimed student, Nicholas Knight.
The most anticipated event will make its annual return next year, with the promise of even more memories for students to cherish.
“We all love doing it, and we love the kids even more!” Holmberg concluded.