Freshmen Elect Class of 2022 Officers
NEW FRESHMAN CLASS OFFICERS FOR 2018-2019 SCHOOL YEAR — (Left to right) Freshman Class President Jack Graham, Vice President Ozzy Paulus, Secretary Brooke Johnson, and Treasurer Hailey Alton are the 2018-2019 freshman class officers.
October 2, 2018
Every school year Central High School holds class elections for class officers, for every grade. Central High School held freshman and sophomore elections on September 7, 2018.
Jack Graham was elected as freshman class president, and Ozzy Paulus became vice president. Hailey Alton won treasurer of the freshman class, and Brooke Johnson became secretary.
President Jack Graham is very happy and excited at the opportunity to take a stance within the freshman class. He sees this as an opportunity to seek change by allowing freshman to have a voice within the school. Sometimes freshmen may be overlooked since they are younger than the upperclassmen; Graham wants to change that. However, he is seeking to bring improvement within all of Central High School, not just within the freshmen class.
“I see in a leader as being able to listen to other people and work well with other,” stated Graham.
This shows what he kind of wants to be in this position as a leader in his community. He wants to display this so that freshman know he is easy to approach with concerns that they may have; now he has a platform to change what is going on.
Ozzy Paulus, as the newly elected freshman vice president, was very shocked and surprised to receive this position in class office. He was not expecting such a leadership position within the school. He hopes to run again next year as a sophomore class officer.
“I want to help the president with his vision of what he wants our lasting impression of the class to be. I also want to solve the problems that freshman may be having,” explained Paulus.
Hailey Alton, who was elected as the freshman class treasurer, hopes to stand up for the soft spoken freshmen. She wants to be a voice for the freshman class as someone that anyone can come up to with concerns.
“In my position I hope to improve Central High School by doing more activities. For example, pep rallies and dances,” said Alton.
Brooke Johnson was elected as the freshman class secretary. In her position, she takes notes, but she hopes to see freshmen’s opinions to seek and change the school. Although she may not have been very shocked to win since the other candidate never showed up, she was still excited to receive this position.
“To be a good leader you have to be able to guide people, encourage them, and be able to take charge when needed,” vocalized Johnson.
All of these students have it in their hearts to see a change in Central High School. They want the class of 2022 to be the best class yet. They seek to see improvement and involvement throughout this school year by making freshmen year the year to remember. Their goal is to have the year run as smooth as possible. They are very excited to see the impact that they can make with their positions, for the betterment of the community.