Sophomore Class Officers are Elected for the 2018-2019 School Year

THE 2018-2019 YEAR SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS — Pictured left to right, sophomore class officers Kenyon McCrobey, Riley Martin, Destiney Smith, Erin Bell.
October 22, 2018
This year there is a new set of elected sophomores who were chosen to run their class through the 2018-2019 year. This year’s elected class officers are President Destiny Smith, Vice President Erin Bell, Secretary Kenyon McCrobey, and Treasurer Riley Martin. They all plan to do great things for the class of 2021, and hope to make an impact on Central High.
Destiny Smith, current sophomore class president, was elected class president her freshman year. This year, she plans on getting together with all classes to plan more activities for not only the sophomores, but for the entire school as a whole. She also wants to interact more with the students, to keep them informed, and to plan activities that they would like to participate in.
“I like the idea of helping people and I like the idea of just getting to do the things the students want me to do,” stated Smith. “Here recently, I was working on a psychology project about school spirit and helping students have more school spirit; I enjoyed it so much because I love to show my school spirit.”
Vice President Erin Bell is new to the class officer scene, but she feels really deeply about doing good for Central High and is delighted that she now has a platform to do just that. She is eager about hearing ideas from the student body and is discussing those ideas with Principal Finley King.
“[Running for vice president] is important to me because you get a chance to change your tenth grade experience, or whatever grade you’re in, it’s a good experience,” Bell commented.
This year, Kenyon McCrobey is the tenth grade class secretary and is very happy to be elected this year. He is excited about being secretary because he feels like he will do good for the school. McCrobey plans on changing how the students are motivated to do good and he insists on making the class more active by planning more activities along with President Destiny Smith.
“For me, other than the fact that its going to look good on my college applications, I feel like I can actually make a difference in my class!” McCrobey exclaimed.
Riley Martin ran for class president last year while he was a freshman, but did not convince the crowd he was suitable for the position. This year however, he showed the student body all of the attributes that made him a good fit for the role of treasurer and he succeeded. Martin wants to discuss many plans with the other officers, and hopes to make big plans this year as an attempt to improve morale.
“I definitely plan on running again next year, I am not quite sure what role yet, but I am definitely running again next year,” Martin concluded.