2018-2019 Junior Class Officers Appointed By Class of 2020

2018-2019 JUNIOR CLASS OFFICERS APPOINTED BY 2020 CLASS– The Junior class officers from left to right: Jazmynn Ball (Secretary), DayOnna Carson (President), Jack Neely (Vice President), Tyler Mullins (Treasurer).
October 26, 2018
As time moves on, class officers move on as well, leaving a handful of students to step up and take on the role as leaders for their grade.
This academic year, four juniors accepted the roles of class president, vice president, secretary, and treasurer. DayOnna Carson was elected as class president, Jack Neely as vice president, Jazmynn Ball as secretary, and Tyler Mullins as treasurer.
Class President DayOnna Carson earned her title after her first year of running for a class officer. She initially desired to remain in the background and leave the role of class president for someone else. However, after witnessing the support from other students around her, she decided to give it a try. After her decision, Carson began preparing for her speech and determining what goals she wanted to focus on as class president.
“Over the summer, I wrote down a list of all the things I had heard students complain about throughout school. I narrowed the list down into a few key points: stressing the divide between students and faculty, the lack of school spirit, and the lack of action being taken to equally fund school clubs and teams,” Carson informed.
Carson believes class officers are significant for a multitude of reasons. For example, she believes they help bring administrators’ attention to problems concerning the pupils; then they help introduce programs to fix the problems. Also, the officers provide students with someone to look up to.
“Class officers are significant because they represent our student body and they serve as role models for their peers,” Carson pronounced.
Like President Carson, this is Vice President Jack Neely’s first year holding the title of class officer. He is very excited about his role as vice president, especially after certain doubts that filled his mind.
“I really did not think my classmates would elect me as vice president. I am surprised- pleasantly surprised, though; don’t get me wrong,” Neely confessed.
Even though Neely is slightly confused on why he ran in the first place, he still understands that his role is a serious one. He wishes to serve his class well and represent what Central High School stands for.
“I want to show Central students that school spirit is very important. I want to make the future for Central great,” exclaimed Neely.
Unlike Carson and Neely, Secretary Jazmynn Ball is a reoccurring class officer. Her sophomore year (2017-2018), Ball accepted the role as class president. However, she feels like let her class down. Ball is interested in politics, and is ready to prove that she is capable to fill her new role as secretary.
“I will always want to run for positions like these, but this time I felt like I had to make up for what I did as sophomore class president, especially. I can do more and I plan on it even if I am not president,” Ball declared.
Ball has plans for the future of The Class of 2020 and is not reluctant to implement them. She plans to make school more exciting for her classmates.
“I would like to make school feel like more then just time we have to pass. If we are going to be at school most days of the year, it should not feel like a drag,” Ball announced.
Treasurer Tyler Mullins is likewise a first-time class officer. Nonetheless, he is certain he is qualified to own the title of treasurer. This year, no other Central junior ran for treasurer, so Mullins did not even had to make a speech in front of the class. He remains securely confident in his position.
“I knew that I was one of the most qualified people to run for office, so I did it and I have no regrets!” Mullins emphasized.
Mullins is aware of the responsibilities he will have to face during the year; regardless he is eager to enforce the myriad of ideas he has for the school.
“Class officers are important, because they are representatives from their class that help bring about changes for their class. They have the responsibility of reporting things that are needed of their class,” Mullins vocalized.