Central’s Ruriteen Club Teaches Harrison Elementary the Importance of Black History Month

CENTRAL’S RURITEEN CLUB TEACHES HARRISON ELEMENTARY THE IMPORTANCE BLACK HISTORY MONTH — Ruriteen Club members pose for a picture with their posters of black history.
March 8, 2019
On February 13, 2019 Central’s Ruriteen Club, a club dedicated to helping citizens in Chattanooga, went to Harrison Elementary to educate second graders about black history. The club’s assignment was to teach them about black history by introducing them to historical figures that made an impact in the country or world.
“My partner and I picked Muhammad Ali, Jay Z, and W.E.B Du Bois. After researching them we learned that these men are incredible individuals who immensely impacted black history. After gathering our information we took to paper, only picking out the most important facts. It took us a couple of days, but the end result were a well crafted poster fit for teaching kids about black history,” described Senior Hanton Guerrero.
There are about 30 members in the club that meet the third Tuesday of every month; they gathered last month to discuss this assignment. It was enjoyable for the many members of the club; there was an incredible amount of interaction in-between the club members and children, which many of the club members enjoyed.
“It was great interacting with the kids, my favorite part was answering the kids’ questions,” stated Ann Casseus, a senior at Central High.
The trip also changed some of the Ruriteen members perspectives on teaching as a whole.
“The club gave me the opportunity to become a teacher for a moment and it completely changed my perspective on teaching. There is so much that goes into teaching that is unappreciated by most, like the preparation beforehand,” explained Guerrero.
The Ruriteen Club plans to hold more events for learning opportunities, similar to the one held at Harrison Elementary.