Fore Accepted into Prestigious NYT Summer Academy; Still Raising Funds to Attend

MISSING MS. WHITE — Ms. Sally White poses with Central graduate and former Central Digest Editor in Chief Preston Fore.
April 6, 2019
The School of the New York Times has accepted many qualified students into their two-week 2019 summer programs; Central High Senior Preston Fore has been carefully selected to explore the city of New York in hopes of learning about journalism and writing. They are known to accept students with a “major interest in their Summer Academy and a strong academic background.” They accept as many students as they can and will only select those with outstanding qualities.
“It’s a summer program in which I will learn from New York Times reporters and industry experts in the inns and outs of journalism in the Big Apple and the world,” described Fore.
The New York Times has summer programs in Washington, D.C. and in New York City. Students have the option of choosing one of four, two-week stays where they can either reside in a University in the center of DC or Fordham University in the center of New York City.
Fore applied to the New York Summer Program in the ‘Writing the Big City: Reporting in New York’ program. After filling out the online application, essays and teacher recommendations were necessary for him to qualify. Weeks after submission he received the acceptance letter that described future plans. Fore now plans to attend during the June 23- July 5 term this summer.
The Academy’s schedule includes visits to cultural institutions, important events, and infamous New York establishments. They will have free time to explore the city on their own, all while developing basic reporting skills. Students will be taught by award-winning Times journalists and industry experts.
“I really believe it will help me become a better journalist because I will be learning from the elite,” Fore stated. “I was super excited and grateful to be accepted into such a prestigious and exclusive program.”
English teacher, Sally White, pushed him to apply into the Academy. She heard about the opportunity on NPR on her way to work and thought this would be the perfect opportunity for Fore.
“He was made for that! He loves New York City; he loves journalism. He’s a perfect candidate, I knew he’d be great,” White exclaimed. “They just happen to sponsor NPR and they said something about [the school] and I thought that’s for Preston Fore.”
The program is open to any high school student grades nine through twelve, as well as graduating seniors. The different study courses will take place from June to August. It requires an online application, fees, and recommendations, which should be submitted before the April deadline.
Since it is such a prestigious school, the cost of tuition is $5,750. Fore has created a Go-Fund-Me page dedicated to the cost of the New York Times School. He has so far made the deposit fee, but is continuing to raise the rest of the money which is due by the start of May.
“I am extremely shocked by the generosity and outpouring of support towards my campaign so far. I am beyond appreciative and thankful for every single donor,” concluded Fore.