Trip to “Bodies: the Exhibition” Takes Students Inside the Human Body

TRIP TO BODIES: THE EXHIBITION SHOWS STUDENTS INSIDE THE HUMAN BODY -- The entrance to the exhibit features a posed male specimen

Donated to the Central Digest

TRIP TO “BODIES: THE EXHIBITION” SHOWS STUDENTS INSIDE THE HUMAN BODY — The entrance to the exhibit features a posed male specimen

Matthew Davis, Assistant Editor

One of the best ways for students to learn is through first-hand experiences with the topic, especially outside of the classroom. This is traditionally done at Central through a field trip, for anatomy and biology students, to “Bodies: the Exhibition” in Atlanta, Georgia. This year, students went at the end of March, where they saw the inner workings of the human body, such as the nervous system and the muscular system.

“Most people do not see or even think about how their body really works, so being able to was a great experience. It motivates me to be more aware of my health,” shared Senior Josh Bolton.

At the exhibit, students get an inside look at every part of the human body. Specimens come from China, all being persons who lived and died of natural causes. After being unclaimed at death, the specimens were sent to medical schools for education and research, where they are dried and preserved using polymer. These specimens are then obtained by “Bodies: the Exhibition” through connections with medical facilities in China, where the world’s top dissectors and anatomy specialists live and work.

“I thought it was really interesting. You don’t normally think about all the stuff going on in your body, and seeing it all out and by itself really makes you think,” expressed Junior Grant Scutt.

This exhibit not only teaches about human anatomy, but also shows how certain diseases and lifestyle choices affect the body. The full body and partial specimens demonstrate the affects of various pressing health concerns, including obesity, breast cancer, colon cancer, ectopic pregnancy, arthritis, bone fractures, smoking, and many more. These anatomical factors are available by breaking down the specimens, showing every individual part of the body. Additionally, the entire circulatory system can be seen outside the body, plus a sliced brain and exposed heart.

β€œIt was cool seeing the smokers lungs and how they had all the nerves out of the body. It was crazy how they had people like cut in half though,” expressed Senior Maggie Watts.

Although some may believe this can be inappropriate for students due to graphic material, the human body must be explored to determine the affects certain choices have on people’s health. “Bodies: the Exhibit” gives this necessary look into the body to the general public.