Jordan Hudson Steps in as DJ for 2020 Military Ball
February 28, 2020
This year’s Military Ball was full of surprises; coordinators and staff were unsure of guest arrival, catering arrived early, and the DJ did not arrive until the very end of the dance. However, the event went amazing, and many cadets describe the evening as a memorable and fun one.
Firstly, Major David Spencer describes Central’s JROTC program as a cadet-led environment.
“The cadets show their leadership in this program,” said Spencer. “Everything is cadet-planned, cadet-organized, and cadet-executed.”
Army standards are exemplified when individual cadets have responsibilities of their own. Given this background on the program, a conclusion can be made that many individual cadets had separate responsibilities in terms of planning the Military Ball. The night is a special one— celebrated to honor Central’s Seniors. So, it was unexpected (but not surprising) when Senior Jordan Hudson stepped up as the event’s DJ.
Hudson produces a variety of music for other musicians and artists to use; he does so as a hobby, and has lots of fun with it. When asked about his actions at the Military Ball, Hudson says he was just helping everyone out. He listens to multiple genres of music, and feels like he knew the population of students at the Ball.
Hudson describes the music he chose as mostly hip-hop, and claims that even country music nowadays is inspired by beats.
“I didn’t even realize the range of [musical] tastes that people had,” mused Hudson. “Someone even asked me to play Bohemian Rhapsody.”
With the help of Seniors Jazmynn Ball, Jacob Sylman, and others, Hudson was able to make the night one-of-a-kind. He explained that when he took matters into his own hands, he also took the opportunity to do things he has wanted to in previous years.
Hudson said the music he played mostly consisted of well-known party songs. When the crowd got tired, he played slower songs to get them back out on the dance floor.
“After about 10 minutes of rest, I turned it right back up to the max,” said Hudson.
“It would have been so boring without the music,” said Sophomore Anna Frazier. “Everyone would have just been sitting down, eating.”
Hudson shared details about software programs he uses frequently. He uses a DAW, or digital art work station. The DAW Hudson uses is called FL Studio (the best DAW poll winner of 2020), and its features can range from ambient to robotic.
Hudson also discussed his opinions and thoughts on audio production as a career.
“It’s not really a lucrative profession to get involved with,” he shared.
After graduation, Hudson plans on pursuing MTSU’s Nursing Program; he enjoys helping people, and will continue his hobby of audio production into his adult years as well.
Quiana Redman • Mar 30, 2020 at 9:11 AM
I enjoyed getting out on the dance floor with all of my friends, I feel like in a way it brought us all closer and I am pretty sure everyone else enjoyed their time as well.
Quiana Redman • Mar 30, 2020 at 9:08 AM
I like what Major said because when students are put out to lead the class it teaches them different ways to be a leader and it teaches them to figure out Technics that are easier for everyone to learn with.
Quiana Redman • Mar 30, 2020 at 9:06 AM
The military ball was and absolute blast, granted the DJ didn’t show up Jordan did a pretty good job at running the music.