Students Adjust to New Work Schedules Amid Coronavirus Outbreak

STUDENTS ADJUST TO NEW WORK SCHEDULES AMID CORONAVIRUS OUTBREAK — Many Central students lose their usual work hours, while others adjust to the excess amount they have been scheduled.
March 25, 2020
As schools nationwide cancel and countries go on full lock-down, stores begin to close their doors and say goodbye to their longtime employees. Students that still live with their parents are not as affected by the decisions to shut down as opposed to employees depending on weekly or biweekly income. Nevertheless, Central students are still eager to work and earn their own hourly wage.
The common trend is to apply for a job as a sophomore or junior, as this is the time students start to drive and become more independent. However, this aspect of adolescence has recently been taken from students as stores limit employee hours and leave less room for new workers. Those that already have jobs are accustomed to working many hours each week, even alongside their schooling and homework. For people who work in retail and restaurants, not getting their usual hours and normal pay can be frustrating.
“Belk closed and they got my hours [messed] up. I have been there [for] eight or nine months,” said Senior Bileah Sit. “We still are going to get paid, though, but [for] very limited hours.”
Dine-in restaurants are closing completely while fast food chains are still up and running; however dining rooms remain closed and take- out is left as an increasing alternative.
“Our dine-in is closed, so only drive-thru is open. Cashiers’ hours have been cut dramatically. No one has lost their job, though,” stated Senior Shaqune Stewart, a local Zaxby’s employee.
Those that work at grocery stores are still receiving a good amount of hours each week as people continue to stock up on items they see necessary such as food, sanitizing supplies, and even toilet paper. Grocery store employees are feeling the heat of staying past their regular hours to accommodate customer needs.
Seniors Jayde Durham and Patrick Quinn who work at local Publix stores have had their hours drastically extended. Cleaning procedures have been put in place to keep their stores in top-shape for the safety of their customers and their employees. Kaylee York, a Central graduate who currently works at Walmart, has witnessed how quick people are about purchasing items as soon as they are re-stocked.
“I’m actually getting a lot more hours. I normally work 15 [hours] a week, and this week I worked 30 [hours],” said Durham. “To stay clean, we have two designated people that walk around the whole store to clean at all times. They wipe down all the handles and doors, and they also have another person wiping down every single buggy that gets used.”
The modified operating hours of such businesses are supposed to accommodate for the time workers must dedicate to disinfecting the establishment.
“And, we are opening at eight and closing at eight to do deep cleaning at night and to stock everything back up,” she added.
“I’m getting a lot more hours and we’re closing at eight, not ten like normal, to close early for restocking and toilet paper and cleaning the registers,” stated Quinn.
While some people are purchasing normal amounts of necessities, in consideration for others, others have been spotted hoarding months worth of products such as toilet paper, bread, and cleaning supplies, leaving others nothing. This has led to some stores limiting shoppers to one item per visit.
“For starters, we’re all out of paper products. This includes toilet paper, paper towels, Kleenex, and flushable wipes. We’re putting [other] food items on the shelves that [such paper products are] supposed to go on just to get customers to buy them. We’re out of hand sanitizer, antibacterial hand soap, and rubbing alcohol because people are making their own hand sanitizer,” stated York. “Disinfectants are gone, and new shipments of it are now being limited to two per customer I believe. We’re out of bread, rice, pasta, and beans because people are panic buying. We honestly can’t keep the items on the shelves long enough.”
These places can also be one of the most public and unsanitary areas. Citizens coming into contact with one another, despite their lack knowledge on proper sanitation, can be dangerous. Viruses can easily be spread to multiple people by simply touching hard surfaces and by being around people who are ill. Knowing proper sanitation techniques can be helpful to others and possibly life saving.
“My mom made me quit my job at Food City because of it. She said that it wasn’t safe because we had no cleaning supplies for us or our registers,” stated Senior Milly Garner.
The fact that many stores are closing leads to money lost and a plummeting economy. According to the Wall Street Journal, analysts are expecting this pandemic to heavily affect the growth of the country, possibly having an effect worse than the 2008 recession. Retail workers and restaurant employees are the ones impacted the most by this pandemic. Grocery stores, on the other hand, are the busiest places to work in at the moment, resulting in a shortage of supplies and long hours for employees.
lenaris higgins • Apr 3, 2020 at 12:10 AM
i think that doing the online work is harder because it it hard to focus on the school work at home and the virus is also affecting my hours at work
Christopher Highwood • Apr 2, 2020 at 11:53 PM
My family and I have actually decided to start shopping online due to the unsanitary conditions some grocery stores may have. It is really concerning what life has come to and where this will take us in the future.
Jason Grimes • Apr 2, 2020 at 6:47 PM
Sometimes it is hard to learn new things at home without a teacher, but we just have to adjust to it. Overall I like it though
Julie Lopez • Apr 2, 2020 at 4:43 PM
This is hard for students because it is not easy to do school from home. Especially math is challenging. It is also challenging to not be able to work and be around your friends.
Jacob Leftwich • Apr 2, 2020 at 3:22 PM
This virus is very dangerous and its causing a lot of things to shut down. I’m glad schools is shut down because this virus spreads very easy.
Jaylon Oneal • Apr 1, 2020 at 11:14 PM
my opinion on the whole school perspective is that school might not open up next year how will that effect us for next year
Nicolas Burroughs • Apr 1, 2020 at 8:31 PM
I just want everyone to stay safe and never give up when things gets hard in life doing to the cornoavirus.
Nekiyah Jones • Apr 1, 2020 at 7:14 PM
sometimes It is very difficult to me to work in a dine-in restaurant we can only call-ins and to-go in orders which can be stressful
Austin Lawyer • Apr 1, 2020 at 12:53 PM
My father was greatly impacted by this having that his job had closed down. As a result both of my parents decided to get jobs at Amazon which is considered an essential job in order to maintain the household. Having that both my sister and I also have essential jobs we both have been working around the clock. It makes it harder for us kids to adjust to online classes when our hours are getting increased. It causes constant stress throughout the household. I pray that this Corona Pandemic will clear up in the next few months, because this is not a healthy way of living.
jaylin darosa • Apr 1, 2020 at 11:40 AM
good luck to everyone, this is so different from everything we’ve been doing and it’ll take time for us to adjust
Macey Ledford • Apr 1, 2020 at 11:38 AM
My opinion on schools being out is that while it needs to be done to help students from the spread of this virus, it’s also hurting the students. The kids who normally don’t do their work in class are more than likely failing all of their classes right now because if they get told to do it all the time by the teachers and they don’t do it, what’s the likelihood that they’re going to do it without anyone telling them? On the other hand, students are learning to prioritize. This is teaching students this great skill they will for sure use in their adult life.
Jaylin Teague • Mar 31, 2020 at 6:17 PM
To some people they don’t like the online work but honestly to me i love it
John (Will) Golden • Mar 31, 2020 at 2:42 PM
After all thats been happening, it is hard to adjust to it but I am just going to continue my every day life and not really hope it affects me. People at my house aren’t at a high risk so I don’t have to quit my job. But hopefully all of this corona virus crap goes away soon.
Anthony Guerrero • Mar 31, 2020 at 12:32 PM
I feel like online schooling is going to take dip in the next couple of weeks. Students who have been schooled all their lives at a school, are definitely going to shift their work ethic. Hopefully not.
Solomon Williams • Mar 31, 2020 at 12:11 AM
Due to the corona virus it is cancelling stores and making fast food restaurant close their dine in and cancelling schools making kids do online schools. I would like to know is this is all done how many places will have already shut down
Garnett Hubbard • Mar 30, 2020 at 3:55 PM
The new schedules for job gave me less hours and i’m not used to this yet and being out of school for a long time is very hard and frustrating for people who’s not used to doing online classes including me.
Ashlee Smith • Mar 30, 2020 at 3:36 PM
Hopefully this will all calm down soon so everyone can get back to their jobs and we can get back to school. Adjusting to online school has been difficult, but each day is better than the last.
Garnett Hubbard • Mar 30, 2020 at 3:35 PM
Even if we don’t have school, students still need to focus on their school work and it can be a struggle but we can find a way to push through this while we’re on break and also I barely get hours now since we closed our dine in but we still got drive thru and that’s a struggle foreal.
Megan Blaise • Mar 30, 2020 at 2:13 PM
I understand how hard this is hitting everybody. My brother’s job had to close completely and my job is getting even more customers than I’ve seen before.
Elizabeth McGuire • Mar 30, 2020 at 1:15 PM
I wish we were still in school, but I understand our age group can get it without showing symptoms and pass it onto someone else that could be in a high-risk group. I just hope for the pandemic to pass as quickly as it can.
Daja Isom • Mar 30, 2020 at 11:50 AM
My opinion on the out of school situation is that it’s a struggle for everyone to adjust to it, some people aren’t self learners and we just feel that we’re teaching ourselves. Some students need their teachers in front of them, so they can get a visual of what to do. Personally, I don’t like it, I wish we were still in school.
Joey Wootan • Mar 30, 2020 at 11:17 AM
Yeah, I had to quit my job at McDonalds too because my family is all high risk :c.