123, Let’s Take this ACT

SENIORS MEET WITH COUNSELORS FOR FINAL SEMESTER HELP — Stacy Alexander talks to three students about future testing protocol. File Photo from 2020.
September 21, 2020
Seniors are beyond stressed as the time comes near to take the test of all tests. With so many questions at hand, it is evident that focus has not been present. Stacy Alexander, Central’s college advisor, is currently working to put everyone’s minds at ease about daunting tests.
On September 22, every senior at Central will report to campus to take the ACT. Even online students will need to report to Central at 7:20 a.m. In school attendants will need to park in their assigned spot; otherwise, the bottom front lot is open for parking. It is imperative to arrive on time because if a student is late, there is no way to let them into the testing room. Upon arrival, the students will be sent to their assigned testing rooms.
The ACT can be a very dreaded thing, but Central is doing everything they can to make the experience more enjoyable. Dress code is not required and an early dismissal is permitted. Buses will still run at their normal times, but everyone else will be allowed to leave once the test is completed. There will also be a grab and go lunch for anyone who wants to eat after the thought-provoking task.
While the administration of this test is required, colleges will not be requesting scores for the 2020-2021 academic school year. However, this does not mean that the test is not important. The ACT helps with scholarship achievement and the admission into higher level schools. Acceptance into schools has turned into more of a holistic view rather then just this test and GPA combined.
“If they have a short staff, it will take a lot longer to get the tests graded. With the virus and everything, they will be delayed,” Alexander noted.
Since the virus prevented the free test from last year, a makeup test will be held in the spring. This is a huge highlight seeing that many are nervous about the first test. However, the nature of this cannot be confirmed completely. These are trying times, meaning anything is subject to change.
Senior Guidance Counselor Shea Vetterick also lists some tips to help prepare for the ACT. If you go to the ACT website, there are practice tests that can show you what to expect.
“There are some study guides to help with vocabulary. It is very useful. The biggest thing is just getting familiar. I think being familiar impacts the scores a lot,” addressed Vetterick.
While the test seems intimidating at first, it is obvious that the administration has it covered. The testing day in itself will be filled with stress and dread, but once the test is finally over, students’ minds will be at ease.