High Hopes Among Senior Class Officers for the 2020-21 School Year
HIGH HOPES AMONG SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS FOR THE 2020-21 SCHOOL YEAR — (From left to right) Treasurer Zoey Greene, Vice President Ariya McGhee, President Destiny Smith, and Secretary Kenyon McCrobey hope to work together and make this school year one to remember.
September 23, 2020
It is that time of year again, and class elections have rolled around. This year has arguably been a strange year for all of us. One thing that proceeded semi-normally was Central’s senior class elections. Unfortunately, the candidates were not able to present their ideas in front of their classmates, like in previous years, but that did not stop them from making it known that they wanted change for the better. As the oldest in the school, these students are role models for the younger classes and have the biggest impact on the school.
For the fourth year in a row, Destiny Smith secured the position of class president with no opposition. Ariya McGhee acquired the Vice President position, and Kenyon McCrobey was voted in as secretary. This left the position of treasurer open, in which Zoey Greene was awarded with. These candidates were very happy to have been voted in by the class; they exceed all expectations and have high hopes for the remainder of the school year.
“I love being the voice for the Class of 2021. I have been class president for all of my high school experience and every year I try to work with my classmates and administration to make a change in Central,” stated President Smith. She followed up by saying, “I want to start new traditions at Central and really make an impact on future students coming [to Central].”
Each officer is dedicated to making Central High a better place for all and will try their best to fulfill the promises they made to their class. They have all promised to work together and with their classmates to get things done and change Central for the better.
“I feel like I am involved with a majority of our class, and I can be a voice to help us have success for our last year [at Central], especially throughout this unusual school year,” commented Vice President McGhee.
Secretary McCrobey hopes to make the most out of this school year, given the circumstances. As a perfectionist, he felt that the role of secretary fit him best, he wants to make sure that he can give the best opportunities to the students in his class.
As a first year treasurer, Zoey Greene hopes to make the most out of her role. She is no stranger to holding a position in office. She was previously the class secretary during her freshman and junior years. She hopes to work with students and fellow class officers to set up a Powderpuff game, a fun-filled flag football match between senior and junior girls, for next semester.
President Destiny Smith, Vice President Ariya McGhee, Secretary Kenyon McCrobey, and Treasurer Zoey Greene will strive to be role models and help change Central for the better. They will work with their peers and advocate as a voice for the class to bring the things that are wanted and needed to make this year one to remember.