Five Seniors Nominated to Girls’ Homecoming Court of 2020

FIVE SENIORS NOMINATED TO GIRLS’ HOMECOMING COURT OF 2020 — (From top to bottom, left to right) Seniors Ashlee Smith, Madison Taylor, Dallana Nolazco, Destiny Smith, and Ashley Lackey pose on a Zoom call.
September 29, 2020
This year, many changes have been made regarding school and student activities. However, one tradition that is remaining solid this year is the homecoming court. This year, a total of ten seniors have been nominated for homecoming court, including five girls and five boys.
Each year, every member of the senior class nominates a boy and a girl they think would best represent Central on the homecoming court. There are a few requirements for students to be nominated, such as having no disciplinary record and being in the top third of the senior class.
The five female candidates for homecoming court this year are Seniors Ashley Lackey, Dallana Nolazco, Ashlee Smith, Destiny Smith, and Madison Taylor. Each and every one of them is grateful and excited to be apart of the court this year, whether they win or not.
“I’m honored to be on the court and I honestly didn’t expect it. I’m really excited that I’m on it and I’m very glad I get to represent Central,” shared Ashlee Smith.
The voting process this year was quite difficult, as many students were based online rather than in-person. Central’s staff made sure that every student had the opportunity to vote by sending out an online voting link through email.
“Honestly, I’m surprised I even made it on the court,” discussed Dallana Nolazco. “I wasn’t really even interested in running, but my friends and peers sparked a new excitement within me. I guess you could say I am excited, yet nervous.”
The homecoming king and queen will be selected after seniors vote on Wednesday, September 30, during their advisory class. As the voting day approaches, the candidates are nervous but hopeful to be selected for Homecoming Queen. Although many things have changed this year, students still have the opportunity to look forward to voting for their favorite students to represent their school on this year’s homecoming court.