Central Announces Nominees for 2021 Mr. Central Ballot

Sarah Katheron Latham

2021 MR. CENTRAL COURT — From left to right, Seniors Tanner Salinas, Grayson Catlett, and Blake Catlett were elected to the 2021 Mr. Central Court.

Bailey Brantingham, Editor

This year, one important tradition that Central faculty wanted to keep running despite other cancellations was the Mr. and Miss Central court. The Mr. and Miss Central court gives students the excitement of voting for their favorite senior nominees to represent Central High School and the student body. This year, there are six nominees for Miss Central and three nominees for Mr. Central.

The 2021 Mr. Central court includes Seniors Grayson Catlett, Blake Catlett, and Tanner Salinas.

In order to be nominated for Mr. or Miss Central, students must be seniors with at least five extracurricular activities during their four years at Central. Blake Catlett was eligible after participating in the Central Digest and gifted program for four years, National Honor Society, and Model UN for one year. Grayson Catlett was nominated after having National Honors Society and Beta Club, the Central Digest and Model UN for one year, and attending the SCOPE conference under his belt. Finally, nominee Tanner Salinas entered the court with fours years of playing on the baseball team, participating in Central’s blood drives, and taking part in the JROTC Armed Forces Day Parade.

“I was startled when there were only three boys announced for the court. There are plenty of eligible senior guys out there. It just perplexes me. However, I don’t think it will greatly impact things. It’s just so weird that there’s only half of what it normally is,” expressed nominee Blake Catlett.

This year, Mr. and Miss Central will be announced on Senior Day, May 14. The announcement will take place in the gym, as usual. Luckily, during Phase Three, Hamilton County is allowing schools to gather 200 people in the gym.

“I’m not sure how they plan on doing it differently due to COVID[-19], but I trust in the faculty to make everything work out for the best as much as they can in these trying times,” explained nominee Tanner Salinas.

With the Miss Central court being full with six nominees, both the male nominees as well as Central faculty are still planning and tweaking the final arrangement for Senior Day. Despite the minimal amount of male nominees this year, the Mr. Central court students are honored and excited for this memorable opportunity.

“I’m honored to be able to be on the court! I’ve had a great four years here at Central, and it’s exciting to see them being repaid in the form of this nomination,” exclaimed nominee Grayson Catlett.

Despite the uncertain year and lack of male nominees, it seems that Central is determined to continue the exciting tradition of the Mr. and Miss Central court as normally as possible. Nevertheless, no matter how many there are, the Mr. Central court nominees hope to make everyone proud by successfully representing the senior class of 2021.