Central Student Visits The New Selfie Museum in Chattanooga
CENTRAL STUDENTS VISIT THE NEW SELFIE MUSEUM IN CHATTANOOGA — Several of Central’s seniors pose at the new Chattanooga establishment.
November 1, 2021
Many new attractions have been opening for business downtown this past year. When Covid hit, many businesses had to shut down or were run out of business. Since then things have not fully gone back to normal, Mikesha Lacy had an idea to start a museum and bring new fun to Chattanooga. The idea came from a spa she started over two years ago. She found that her clients were hoping to take pictures after their transformation.
“Our mission was to bring a new level of fun to Chattanooga and hence the selfie museum was born,” stated Lacy in a Chattanooga Times Free Press article about her idea for the selfie museum.
The museum consists of more than 15 different themed rooms or booths. A few of the background themes include floral, candy, a mock-off vogue of vogue, and a human-sized cell phone. Since Mikesha Lacy wanted to make the museum as friendly and fun as possible pets are allowed inside the museum. The admission fee starts at $20 for an hour and an additional fee for added time. Lacy stated that the location of the museum should bring in good business. It is located a few blocks from the Chattanooga Choo Choo and nearby other restaurants and hotels.
Student Misha Johnson here at Central High School got the opportunity to view the museum in person. She claimed the museum was fun and something different to try.
“The museum was a new experience and something different for me and my friends to try,” exclaimed Johnson.
Lacy is a smart businesswoman who wants to help make more experiences for the city. Lacy is helping to bring new excitement to Chattanooga.