Central High Celebrates Kindness Week


Karleigh Schwarzl

CENTRAL CELEBRATES KINDNESS WEEK — Freshman, Emma Lakin poses at the “Be the ‘I’ in kind” poster in the cafeteria.

Dariah Bradley, Staff Writer

Random Acts of Kindness Day is Thursday February 17, 2022. Random acts of kindness week takes place from February 13th-19th. Participants from all over the world come together to perform acts of kindness. The purpose of kindness week is to focus on spreading positivity. It is a week to learn, teach, and share kindness with one another.

At Chattanooga Central High there are kindness posters were placed throughout the campus for photo opportunities to promote kindness. Each morning through the announcements the Principal at Central High, Mr. I also makes positive announcements to boost feelings, confidence, and to show optimism. During each lunch there will be appreciation stations where students can write their teachers and other faculty notes of appreciation.

Kindness means the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Being kind costs nothing, but means everything. Just by being kind to someone else this can be the highlight of their day, the smallest things matter the most.

“If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours,” stated Dolly Parton.

When someone does an act of kindness for you, you feel connected with them and you are more willing to cooperate with them. When we are kind to someone else we also feel good about oneself. Kindness puts others first, it allows for growth. Bringing positive light on every situation.

“KINDNESS MATTERS, kindness matters in any and everything you do. That is why it is best you are always kind. If you give out kindness, you receive kindness,” stated from Mr. I.