Central Ruriteen Club Planning First of Many School Beautification Projects
CENTRAL RURITEEN CLUB PLANNING FIRST OF MANY SCHOOL BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS — Club President, Sarah Katheron Latham, and Club Sponsor, Katheron Latham, pictured with members of Central’s Ruriteen Club.
October 19, 2022
The Ruriteen Club is a service club here at Central focused on providing community service to our school and community. Currently, Sarah Katheron Latham serves as the club’s president with the assistance of Ruriteen Club sponsor Katheron Latham. The group’s first project this year is planting four trees in round planters in front of the building. The trees will bloom in the Spring and are a type of plum tree with purple leaves that will be a great representation of Pounder Pride. However, there are a few steps before the group can complete their project including organizing funding for the project and receiving approval from Principal Phil Iannarone.
“First impressions make a big difference. Good landscaping would be a great start to a better first impression of Central,” shared the President of The Ruriteen Club, Sarah Katheron Latham.
The goal of the project is to change people’s perceptions of Central by adding these trees to the front of the building where they will be seen by anyone coming up the hill to Central. This isn’t the first time the Ruriteen Club has helped with Central’s landscaping, but this year Central’s Film Club will help with the task. In the past, the Ruriteen Club has pulled weeds and added new mulch in the school’s agora. While the Ruriteen Club has completed multiple landscaping projects, they also host other events throughout the school year including the CDC prom.
“The biggest project is to plan and present the CDC prom, usually held in February,” stated club sponsor, Katheron Latham.
The largest project the Ruriteen Club completes every year is organizing and hosting Central’s CDC prom. The event is hosted for Central’s special needs students and students and teachers can work as volunteers at the event. The Ruriteen Club organizes, decorates, and serves at the dance, giving Central’s CDC classes an opportunity to socialize with friends and classmates.