PROM SEASON IS HERE — Ticket information can be found throughout Central’s hallways.
February 10, 2016
It is that time of year again for juniors and seniors at Central High School – prom season is here. Every year, the junior class helps to organize the event. The seniors are eligible for Prom King and Queen. This year’s prom will be held at The Mill on Saturday, April 16th.
“We picked The Mill because the scenery is pretty, they have good food, and the parking is great,” explained Ms. Tina Cotreau, Central teacher and head of the prom committee.
Compared to last year’s venue, The Mill sounds like a major improvement. The Car Barn was cramped and closed off, leaving little room for all of the students attending. In addition, the location had parking that lacked the ability to compensate the amount of guests.
The theme is still in the works, but it is going to be exciting.
“There is never a dull moment with Prom!,” she bubbled.
Students are looking forward to the glamour of prom night, and the shopping that comes with it. One senior thinks they key to finding the perfect dress is to start shopping early.
“I am going dress hunting with my mom this weekend. I can not wait to look like a Disney princess with all of my girlfriends,” shared Katy Pollock
Charles Eaton, a junior this year, is excited to finally be able to attend.
“Who would not want to go to prom? You have an opportunity to see how your friends behave on a dance floor while everyone is dressed up,” Charles said.
Some of Cotreau’s students are going to help sell tickets. Sales are starting on February 19th for $40. The price will increase by $10 every month following. Song request forms will be on the table.
The Central Digest is excited to see all of the students ‘dressed to the nines’ at the 2016 Prom!