Yearbook Printing and Delivery are Delayed Due to Social Distancing
YEARBOOK PRINTING AND DELIVERY ARE DELAYED DUE TO SOCIAL DISTANCING — Yearbook pages for April and May this year include information about the COVID-19 pandemic
April 28, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, students will not return to school buildings for the rest of the school year in order to keep people safe. It has caused several complications with end of the year events and procedures: graduation, prom, senior day, awards, collection of textbooks and Chromebooks, and distribution of yearbooks.
Due to stay-at-home orders across the country, the date this year’s Champions, Central’s yearbooks, will arrive is unknown. The yearbooks are printed in an area of Texas that is still on lock-down. The hope is to have the yearbooks available to those who ordered one before Central’s rescheduled graduation in June.
“As for distributing the yearbooks to students, we are currently in the process of working on the logistics for that process. The date that the books arrive on campus will also impact that planning; we’ll also have to consider safety and social distancing,” explained Shawn Seals, the Champion’s staff sponsor.
Although time at school was cut short this year, the Champion will be full and complete. This year’s edition will celebrate Central being on Highway 58 for 50 years. It will include a tribute to Megan Sanford, a Central science teacher who sadly passed away in the fall of last year. There will also be pages included to help students remember the COVID-19 pandemic and its affect on schools.
“Most of us actually finished our sections of the yearbook before school was dismissed, but those who [did not had] to use their Chromebooks and go to the Studio Balfour Go app to finish. Mr. Seals may also ask us to proofread a few pages that he has completed,” stated Sophomore Jessyca Foster, a Champion staff member.
As a result of the printing of yearbooks being delayed, the order deadline has also been postponed to Friday, May 1. Yearbooks can still be ordered on the Balfour website under the yearbook tab.