Editorial: Time for New Running Shoes

IF THE SHOES FIT — Keeping your shoes in good shape helps you stay in shape.
Cross country and track runners know the importance of wearing good shoes. Some shoes are made for distance while others are made for sprints. All running shoes lose 40% of their cushioning in just six months, even if one does not put many miles on them.
“I never knew shoes were that much of a difference maker [until] I started running,” said freshman cross country runner Jordan Malone.
“The importance of a running shoe is so big that it could affect your time to get better or worse in a race,” he added.
A lot of the athletes also tell him that they may have over-trained. This is true in many cases where runners run more miles in one day than their shoes and body can handle. There is no maximum number of miles you should only run in a day, but your body should tell you when enough is enough.
“If you don’t wear the correct shoes, you could get hurt,” commented cross country coach Jan Munson.
Twisting or spraining an ankle are two very common running injuries, and some athletes can get tendinosis. If you do ever happen to get a running-related injury, ice your foot and call your doctor to schedule an appointment. Doing this could prevent from you further injuring yourself and making it worse.
“They’re are many types of running shoes for many different people. You just got to find the right pair for you” said track coach, Luke Robinson.