Central’s Guidance Office Starting a Chain Reaction With Rachel’s Challenge

RACHELS CHALLENGE -- This moving program is changing lives one step at a time through kind gestures.

RACHEL’S CHALLENGE — This moving program is changing lives one step at a time through kind gestures.

There are big things coming to Central on November 11, and one thing in particular is a program called Rachel’s Challenge. Rachel’s Challenge is a national, non-profit organization that is dedicated to creating a safe environment at schools where teaching and learning can be maximized. The program is based off the writing of Rachel Scott, who was the first victim of the Columbine tragedy in 1999. The major key to the program is creating a chain reaction in schools and in the community to promote kindness and compassion amongst everyone.

“I feel like it’s a good way to show the inner goodness in everybody… It shows everybody it’s not that hard to get along,” stated Jake Whitaker on his opinion of the program.

Mrs. Lindsey Ruggles and Mrs. Chelsea Long have planned the event for November 11 at 6 p.m. at Central and believe it will make a huge impact on not only the school, but the community as well.

“Hopefully children will gain a better understanding of each other and be inspired to make a difference in their community,” Mrs. Long expressed on what she hopes Rachel’s Challenge will accomplish at Central.

The program has already reached over 21 million lives, and with it heading at full-speed toward Central, the benefits truly outweigh any disadvantages of the program. With something like this though, one cannot just sit back and wait for someone else to start the chain reaction; you need to make the first move.

“It’s not about what other people think of you; it’s about what you can do for other people,” said Whitaker.

What can you do to help the cause and promote awareness for the program?

“Be active, spread acts of kindness… If you don’t believe in it, nothing will happen,” Whitaker expressed regarding what everyone can do to help the cause.

Flyers will be put out as soon as a date is selected, and the entire community will be invited to join in the movement.

“It’s seriously powerful,” Mrs. Ruggles says regarding the overall message the program provides.

In the meantime, everyone is challenged to go out in to the community and perform random acts of kindness for others, whether you know them or they are a complete stranger.