Central Pathways To Prosperity Students Take Trip to UNUM
HOLLINGSWORTH’S AND HAVERLAH’S STUDENTS VISIT UNUM — Hollingsworth’s class takes a trip to UNUM and participates in computer simulation.
On Monday, September 25, Pathways to Prosperity students took a trip to the insurance company UNUM to job shadow. Pathways to Prosperity was designed to help prepare students for their immediate future after high school. During the trip, at lunch, the interns ate with the students and talked to them. Students also got to go back to the interns’ offices and participate in a computer simulation activity.
“I really liked it because the company talked about changing habits, and it was different. We really enjoyed this field trip and we can’t wait to go again next year!” said one of the lead Pathway teachers Mrs. Beverly Hollingsworth.
The program gives students a glimpse of jobs that are available for the future in computer manufacturing.
“The program is off to a good start! The students that are participating are seeing a change in the freshmen, as far as professionalism, maturity, and workmanship,” explained Mrs. Hollingsworth.
In the Career Pathway Program, job shadowing with local employer’s is what you do as sophomore. It is designed to help students gain the skills, knowledge, and experience, to qualify for thousands of new, great-paying jobs available right here in southeast Tennessee. This workforce is different because it gives students experience in both simulated and real-world work environments.
“The trip to UNUM helped me decide how to better prepare for my future, set better goals, and work as a team,” shared Mary McCoin, a student who participated in the UNUM trip.
The next field trip is to Chattanooga State Community College and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga in December.