Central High: Building on (Pumpkin Carving) Tradition

PUMPKIN CARVING TRADITION — Caitlin Maupin and Kelly Wnuk show off their detailed pumpkin carvings along with Mr. Rob’s (center).
Right when you come to the office, it hits you. An excellently-carved pumpkin expresses the love and spirit for our school from art teacher Mickey Robinson. The large orange pumpkin has a Central “C” and a Central hammer carved into it.
“I was excited to make the pumpkin because I love fall and all the colors it brings. I like the idea of making [the pumpkin] more artistic and doing a decoration for the school,” expressed Mr. Rob.
This encouraged Rob’s students to carve their own, and he was ecstatic to help them express their creativity.
“I was so excited to carve the pumpkin because it’s very festive for Halloween and is also a great creative project for the art class. It reminds me of my childhood as well,” said Caitlin Maupin, a junior here at Central who carved a very detailed owl onto her pumpkin.
Fall brings a good vibe for artists to express themselves, which is what art is all about.
“It’s the influence of the time of the year. The weather is just right and the colors of nature are stunning. They have big craft shows everywhere and there [are] factors that just apply to the artistic ability,” Mr. Rob explained.
He and his art students are well known around the school for their creations. He has now passed on this pumpkin-carving task to his creative artists-in-the-making. Now many students have completed beautiful pumpkins. Caitlin Maupin, Kelly Wnuk, Yanett Torres, Emily Patrick, and Brittany Rucker have all expressed their artistic ability with festive pumpkin carvings. Seeing teachers and students come together for such a celebrated holiday is a great encouragement . Happy Halloween!