Ruriteen Club Organizes Letter to Veterans Event

SENT WITH LOVE — Xavier Norwood and Kayla Brown went to the Letters to Veterans Event and wrote letters of encouragement to those who need it the most this holiday season.
With the holiday season coming into full swing, everyone is enjoying the spirit of cheer. During the holidays, however, it can be the loneliest times for soldiers and wounded veterans. In times when everyone wants to be close to family and friends, some soldiers are either deployed or too disabled to see loved ones.
Gracie DeFriese, who is a sophomore at Central, brought forth the idea to write letters to soldiers.
“I was just on Facebook one day, and I saw this idea. I was so excited; I just knew we needed to do it,” she said at the Ruriteen Club meeting excitedly a week before the event.
On Tuesday, November 11, the Ruriteen Club joined forces with students of Central to write letters of holiday greetings and gratitude to soldiers.
Ms. Katy Burnette, one of the club’s sponsors, was amazed by the turnout.
“It was amazing, almost unbelievable. I got emotional thinking about how many people wanted to write letters,” she shared happily.
60 letters were written, but they are still pushing for 100 letters. The letters will be sent out at the end of the week to the Wounded Warrior Foundation.
“I really enjoyed the Letters to Veterans Event because I feel like they are forgotten during the holidays. I feel great because I had the opportunity to encourage someone,” said Ayanna Esdaile, a three-year member of Ruriteen Club.
During this holiday season, please do not forget to show kindness and gratitude to those who deserve it most, including the ones who have served and are serving our country.