UnifiED Hosts Student Body Round Table Discussion on the Quality of Central

UNIFIED AS A SCHOOL- Students who attended the round table discussion gather for a photo after their long talk about Central and what they want to see changed.
October 21, 2016
While most students at Central are particularly fond of their school and strive to make it the best that it can be, sometimes, it takes a little help from someone other than students to make a change, not only school-wide, but also district wide.
UnifiED is a non-profit organization that helps advocate students’ voices and is a community leader of students, teachers, and parents coming together to help improve the public education system. On October 20, UnifiED sponsored a school round-table discussion to help improve Central High School.
As part of the discussion, students brought up various topics that could be improved throughout Central to make it more successful than it already is. Several topics were discussed, ranging from soccer field lights to benefit the soccer teams, to utilities in the restrooms.
Students went in depth about how they think their education should be more engaging and understanding-based versus cramming in material for a test.
One of the most talked about topics, however, was the case of the missing auditorium.
An auditorium was planned for Central High School 45 years ago, but unfortunately, it was never built. Some members of Central student body is determined to have this changed.
“I feel that with a lot of effort and consistency, we can make this happen. It all depends on how much effort we put forth into it,” asserted D’Andre Anderson, Central senior class president and chairman of the Superintendent Advisory Council.
Central is currently facing problems with overpopulation, and the auditorium would benefit the school as a whole in the several ways: allowing space for more classrooms, the fine art’s programs, and events at Central.
Some may think that this may be impossible, but students involved in UnifiED are activists in the student body do not think it is impossible wishful thinking.
“We could possibly pull this off,” stated Central senior Hannah Holmberg. “Hamilton County is bad about forgetting about Central. I feel like with the students coming forward and pushing for it, we can convince the school board to have it built.”
“We can accomplish it,” said D’Andre Anderson. “We are going to need every person in the community and school to help, but we can do it.”
Students are very trusting that this will work, and it seems that the Coordinator of UnifiED is almost certain as well.
“I think that anything that they want to be accomplished, can be accomplished if the want it to. The auditorium would not only benefit the fine arts programs, but the whole student body,” states Matt Johnson, Education Engagement Coordinator for UnifiED.
Many people not only at Central, but in the community as well would be more than happy to see Central High School finally get improved. Help support Central by attending Hamilton County School Board meetings and let your voice be heard.