Central Welcomes Burnette, New College Access Advisor

NEW ADDITION TO CENTRAL — Welcome Ms. Burnette, Central High School’s new college advisor!
With every new school year comes change – change in grade, change in friends, and change of teachers. That fact has not been any different here at Central High School. This year we have a new addition to the our faculty – Ms. Katy Burnette, and the Central Pounders have done a great job welcoming her.
“I love Central,” applaued Ms. Burnette. “I love the staff, [and] I love Mr. King; he is the best because he is so cool and [he] gets everything done. And I love how everyone gets along.”
Ms. Burnette attended the University of Florida where she received her undergraduate degree in Pyschology and her graduate in social studies education. Being the college adviser at Central is her first full-time job; however, she has worked with teenagers many times before. She works at Brainard United Methodist Church as a youth minister. In addition, she would occasionally substitute at nearby schools, including Central. This means that many of the students at Central have met Ms. Burnette before she became a part of our faculty.
“I will miss you more than you will know, and you will always be in my thoughts and prayers. Continue to make Central the very best as you love purple, live gold,” said Teresa Reagan in an email sent to the whole Central staff after she retired, thanking everyone who has worked close to her during her nine years at Central. Although the entire school is saddened with news that our beloved college adviser has left Central this year, we are glad to know that she is happy. She is relaxing at home and putting all her energy into spending time with her family and new granddaughter.
“It’s been four days of school, and already over 30 students have come to my room asking for help,” commented Ms. Burnette. The Central High School Class of 2015 is ready and eager with the dream of heading off to college. With the help of Ms. Burnette, this dream can become a reality.
Jasmine Evans • Oct 10, 2014 at 3:18 PM
It’s sad to lose Mrs. Reagan, but I know Miss Burnette will do a great job.