Lauren Thomas and Central Students Prepare for Race for the Cure

SAVE THE TATAS — Ms. Lauren Thomas is excited for the opportunity to get her students involved in breast cancer awareness.
October 12 marks the 15th anniversary of the Susan G. Komen Chattanooga Race for the Cure. This event, which attracts people from Tennessee and surrounding states, raises money and donates it to local breast cancer organizations.
Ms. Lauren Thomas, Central’s government and psychology teacher, has participated in this event since her mother passed away from breast cancer in 2008. She is now encouraging her students to join her.
“When my mom found out she had breast cancer, she asked if I could do it with her, but she died before we were ever able to,” she explained.
Thomas told her classes that if they walk, run, or volunteer, she would trade out an old test grade with a 100.
“It’s a great incentive, but what’s even better is that they get to help a great cause,” she said excitedly.
Her zeal has begun to rub off on her students.
“I think that this is a very powerful thing that we are doing, especially since my grandmother just recovered from breast cancer,” said Alex Bonner, one of Ms. Thomas’ government students.
The day is packed with many exciting events, including survivor photos, competitive and non-competitive 5K runs, and a one mile fun run.
Ms. Thomas is not only motivated by her mother’s memory, but also by two beautiful twin girls of whom she is the godmother.
“I walk so that little girls will grow up in a world where pink ribbons are for ponytails and prom dresses,” she said wholeheartedly.
Thomas and her students who are joining with many others on that day hope to raise awareness and money for cancer research one step at a time.