Another New Teacher at Central!

NEW ALGEBRA TEACHER — Mr. Steward helps his students (from left to right) Hayden Gracy, Dakota Gable, Davey Vagts, and Andrew Bingham with their Algebra I homework.
Central High School is glad to welcome new teacher Mr. Scott Steward, who will be teaching Algebra I after Mrs. Ansley Davis moved up to Algebra II following the retirement of Mr. Don Brock. Mr. Steward is six foot seven and is from Reynoldsburg, Ohio, which is also where he graduated from high school. He later attended Cedarville University for five years and majored in mathematics.
“It’s been fun,” said Mr. Steward after his first few days at Central. “Getting back into high school is interesting. A lot of things haven’t changed.”
Outside the walls of Central, Steward has a handful of hobbies. He wanted students to know the personal side of his life. For example, some of his favorite things to do besides teaching are swimming and hiking. Steward is a youth pastor at New Bethel Baptist Church and has only lived in Chattanooga for five months. He is also a very big fan of Batman and loves the new TV show, Gotham.
“My favorite TV show was Lost, but now it is Gotham. Batman is my favorite superhero,” shared Stewart.
Deeper into his interests, Steward shared his favorite color (red), restaurant (Chipotle), sports teams (Ohio State and the Cleveland Cavaliers), and cultural likes (Christian Rap) in order to allow his students to have a closer connection with him.
“I was raised on Chipotle. Every Sunday for lunch, my family and I would go to Chipotle and eat for free because my brother worked there. It was great!” Mr. Steward recalled.
“Mr. Steward is awesome!” exclaimed freshman Dakota Gable. “He makes learning fun, and he really helps me understand Algebra I.”
Many teachers have come and gone here at Central in the last few years, and the Central Digest hopes Mr. Steward is here to stay.