Mr. Potter’s Pi-Day Baby

JOCELYN MARIE — Jocelyn rests in the careful hands of her affectionate father.
Mr. Edward Potter, Central’s math department head, and his wife, Rachele, rushed to Erlanger Women’s East on Friday, March 13, so she could give birth to their soon-to-be-daughter. Jocelyn Marie Potter was born on March 14, 2015, which is also International Pi-Day (the mathematical term for the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately 3.14159).
“Being a math teacher, I think it’s awesome that Jocelyn was born on Pi-Day. She is amazing. Her name is a combination of her grandmothers’ names, which are Joe Beth and Lynn Marie,” stated Mr. Potter.
Jocelyn is a beautiful, healthy baby, and her parents are ecstatic to finally be able to hold their daughter.
“I’m just extremely happy that she’s okay,” expressed Potter. “I’m glad she and Rachele are healthy and everything is going well with them. I was worried about my wife when she was giving birth. She had to get a C-section, which is a really scary procedure, but everything is fine now.”
Both Edward and Rachele were ready to take on the task of raising a baby. Potter’s wife is a preschool teacher, so she has some experience with childcare.
“I knew what to expect from taking care of a baby. I heard the stories that other parents told about their baby experiences, so that was helpful. I wasn’t prepared for the lack of sleep, though. It hit me hard. Since babies stomachs are so small, they have to eat every three hours, and when they are hungry, they will be sure to let you know, even if it’s in the middle of the night. Also, [I] had never changed a diaper before,” explained Potter comically.
Aside from some restless nights and frightening diaper changes, the Potters seem to be doing really well with Jocelyn.
“Caring for Jocelyn has been a great joy, honestly. I’m just glad everyone’s okay. I’ve received a lot of gifts, especially clothes. It’s so fun to dress her up. I really couldn’t ask for anything more,” said Potter with joy.