Mr. King Celebrates His 50th Birthday

THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE — (from left to right) Mrs. Thomas, Mr. King, and Mrs. Rucker nickname their matching birthdays “the Bermuda Triangle”.
Last week may have been among the most exciting weeks Central has seen in a while. Hunter Middle students shadowed Central’s MTS Ambassadors, the boys’ basketball team went to the state tournament, and Principal Finley King celebrated his 50th birthday on March 11. In addition, Central’s registrar, Mrs. Judy Rucker, and graduation coach, Mrs. Carol Thomas, celebrated their birthdays on the same day.
Although every birthday is special, this year marks a new stage in Mr. King’s life. To show how special this day was, Mrs. Rucker and other office staff orchestrated a line of events that left the hallways buzzing. That Wednesday morning, Mr. King drove up to Central and saw a large marquee in front of the Central sign that read, “Happy Birthday Mr. King”, and flashed, “50”. Mr. King got a good laugh from it.
“From far away, I was worried because I thought there was a wreck – then I realized I was the wreck!” he said with a laugh.
However, that was just the beginning.
“Since 50 is seen as the ‘over the hill’ or ‘black’ age, I filled his office with black balloons, and many Central staff members arrived dressed in black from head to toe,” Mrs. Rucker shared.
“I will never forget this. This was one of the best years! Every single student in this school told me ‘Happy Birthday’ as I walked through the hall,” Mr. King said appreciatively.
Friday’s office staff birthday lunch was the icing on the cake. There, the three birthday people had a nice meal and shared funny childhood memories. Central High School is beyond fortunate to have such a wonderful principal, and the Central Digest wishes Mr. King the happiest of birthdays.